jueves, 4 de agosto de 2011

Did you know in Chile? - Educación en Chile

Maybe you had the opportunity to watch the news about weeks of strike in Chile. People, mostly students, on the streets are claiming for better and free education. Thinking on that, I let you know some facts about Chilean Education. Did you know in Chile:

- teacher's evaluation is not compulsory until 2006? And the system began just in 2003.

- National Teachers Union has opposed to assess teacher's knowledge and competencies during the last twenty years? They said the application of the Evaluation is traumatic and doesn't improve Education's quality [pdf].

- that 1/3 of teachers failed the National Teacher Evalution?

- you can't sack a teacher who didn't pass the National Teacher Evalution? Well, you can but only 5% of them.

- most recently graduated teachers (59%) fail more than 50% to questions related to teaching knowledge? I mean no specific knowledge like Maths, it is knowledge on how to teach.

And after all, still some people is surprised about the education quality.

(Sorry about the links in Spanish).

Queremos mejor Educación (y gratis agregan algunos, pero eso sería para otro posteo), pero:

- A nuestros pedagogos los evaluamos recién desde 2003 y, obligatoriamente, desde 2006.

- El Colegio de Profesores dice que la Evaluación no mejora la educación y que es traumática para los profesores [pdf].

- Un tercio de los profesores no pasan la Evaluación Docente.

- No se puede despedir a un profesor que es mal evaluado. Bueno, en realidad se puede a un 5% (uno entre 20) de los mal evaluados.

- La mayoría de los egresados de pedagogía falla más de la mitad de las respuestas relativas a conocimientos pedagógicos (!?).

Y no sólo hay gente que se sorprende de los resultados, ¡el Colegio de Profesores también sale a protestar!

Bonus track:

lunes, 1 de agosto de 2011

Hablando de Educación en Chile - Education these days in Chile

A propósito de Educación...

Cambiando paradigmas

Y unas columnas para iniciar discusiones publicadas en Ciper, sobre una serie de presunciones aceptadas de raíz respecto al tema y que no son cuestionadas, pudiendo radicar en ellas una serie de problemas estructurales de nuestra Educación (y para salir un poco del slogan y la propaganda de ciertos grupos de interés).


During the last weeks, a wide movement looking for deep changes on Education and critizising the government was gaining momentum, five years after the "Penguin Revolution", a massive manifestation called from kids on strike in their schools.

Apart from the political use of the critics, it's good to rethink on what we understand by "Education".

Here, a small piece to think about